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Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

28.12.2021 Nine of Wands

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Tuesday: First of another two nines after Saturday and Sunday last week, the other one this week comes to us on Thursday. This card is sometimes referred to as The Wounded Warrior. Of being a little closed off, stand firm and be on guard. Paying attention – past battles have made us wiser. Look how far we have come – ten is completion. Be aware if we are being defensive, not letting people in due to past hurts. Be bold and assertive. We know what to look out for; the red flags. There is nothing new under the sun. Trust that we will see what needs to be seen and have faith that all will be well. We are encouraged not to give up. Try more things. Try new ways of doing things.

Go for what we desire. Card of the Moon in Sagittarius, of lacking commitment but also of freedom, independence and value. Today in astrology the lucky planet Jupiter enters the zodiac sign of Pisces for our friends in the US etc. while here in the UK it will be 4.09am on the 29th. Heather Eland tells us it is active: . . . ‘through May 10th, 2022 Jupiter will be moving into its home sign of Pisces once again, re-connecting us to the more optimistic and compassionate energies we experienced for a brief moment in time mid-2021. . . While this is a great influence for deep, spiritual study, some people may take things a bit too far, using religion as a means for escape from normal reality. The potential downfalls of this influence are increased martyrdom and the expansion of “victimhood” as a virtue. The “Savior Complex” becomes a bigger issue as well, causing many people to have delusional beliefs about being rescued by prominent gurus, religious figures, or the judicial system.’ We all hold the answers within each and everyone of us. Let us not fall into the Wounded Warrior energy today.

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