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Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

14.03.2022 Queen of Pentacles

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Monday: It is Saturday and I have just chosen the next 21 cards starting Monday [Today]. I am blown away with the amount of Royals that are stepping up for us. Let us trust that we have people here and passed over that are with us at this time supporting us with our endeavours. Today we have the water element coming to us from the Queen and the earth element from the Pentacles. Water nourishes the earth, our lands are surrounded by it. In our present level of consciousness it is a necessity for us to survive. We can only live around three days without water whereas if we have water we can survive 1-2 months without food. We are gifted with Capricorn energy through this card. Someone who understands how to grow in any environment by finding their foundation and planting their roots firmly into the ground. The analogy of this is for us to believe we can do what we need to, to have a good life. If we live in fear we become jelly-fied, petrified believing we cannot manage. Let us not fall into that trap today and find the power of rooting to the earth, our home, and raise our vibration from within, focusing on our practical skills and how they bring value into our life. We are not asked to be everything, we are all wonderfully unique and all have different skills to bring to life. Trust in our own skills today to support us and the guidance to bring others to our lives with those we lack.

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