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Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

09.06.2022 Two of Cups

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Thursday: I am feeling forward movement for today with published post 1315 = 1 energy, the card being a 2 and the date reducing to 3. It also feels like things are falling into place. This does not mean per se that we will know what this is today but we trust the ‘looms that weave the threads of destiny’ are guiding us to our best path. Twos are about balance and duality, about choices and decisions, also relationships. With this being in the suit of Cups then we would link it to romantic relationships or deep emotional friendships/ family connections. Possible reconciliation. This card is the minor arcana equivalent to the major arcana 6 The Lovers, card of choice. Card of manifesting new love. Pure, honest, beautiful heart to heart energy. A supportive partner. Of affection and an emotional relationship. Someone who knows our heart. Of transformation. Possible relationship with self, connecting to our higher self, balancing our personal energy. Card of the planet of love, Venus in the zodiac sign of Cancer. Venus is of love and relationships, desire and enjoyment, values and resources. Cancer brings us the traits of caring and nurturing, of gentleness and protection, receptive and reflective. Any relationship we enter into can be balanced, where we each enhance each others lives. One sided never works.

PiMOV: Instagram: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.comPatricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Unifyd: Jean Fleming Website: PP1315/511

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