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Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

06.11.2021 Five of Swords

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Saturday: Today and tomorrow we have a five, the third one being yesterday’s date – all good things come in threes! Well, it may not be all sweetness and roses but if we look deep enough there is positive energy in all things. There is also negative but it is where we choose to put ourselves that guides us through this life. Fives can be about conflict, instability and uncertainty. It can also be about freedom and liberation. Also challenges and changes. Swords are off the air element and therefore linked to the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air signs are also about change – how is the wind blowing in your corner of the world? However it blows, we can either allow it to pick us up and toss us around, or glide high using the currents to move us on. We have free will. This is our choice. Do we fear change or flow with it? Don’t let conflict or fear consume us so that is stops the good things coming towards us. Today is a day to do what we love to do. Today it is time to see beyond conflict. Evolution not revolution. Card of the planet of love and of the things we value in life, Venus in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Aquarius open minded, rebellious and unique. Let us bring these energies together and into our day. Let us not fear to be different and expect good things to come to us. Not forgetting to practice the attitude of gratitude along the way.

Thank you for reading this ;-) Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Patricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Website: YouTube: Mediterranean Messages Donations:

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