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Writer's picturePatricia Jean Fleming

04.06.2022 Two of Swords

Shadowscapes Tarot Cards – Pui-Mun Law & Moore

Saturday: The last Swords card this week and we have been taken back to the two. Card of choices and decisions/ procrastinating, afraid to move forward. Stuck, not seeing a way forward or the truth about something. We are being asked to trust our intuition, to listen to our gut. There comes a time when we are moved to voice ‘enough!’ Surrender to our path, we are being guided. Card of balancing subconscious influences. Linked to the Moon in the zodiac sign of Libra. Be in the power of self today and the moment which is now. In astrology Heather Eland shares: ‘Saturn in Aquarius is stationing to go retrograde today in a square to Mercury, which is currently stationed direct in Taurus. . . [A time of] potential stubbornness or “digging in the heels” of the fixed energies as well as the ominous energy of Algol, and this could make whatever news comes about around this time feel very thick and insurmountable. However, it is important to note that Mercury is also closely trine to Pluto and will come exact in just a few days time. This tells us not to lose heart and that the potential for transformation is before us when we persevere. . . We’ve continued to see a back and forth between restrictions and structure versus freedom and liberation of the internet and social groups, these themes will likely come up for review throughout Saturn’s almost 5 month retrograde which ends in one final square to Uranus.’ More at:

PiMOV: Instagram: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.comPatricia Jean Fleming Mediterranean Messages Unifyd: Jean Fleming Website: PP1310/506

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