Sunday: Fours are about foundation and stability while we find ourselves today in the energies of the new moon which is exact in Capricorn at 18.33 GMT alongside the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. Astrologer Molly McCord tells us the new moon: ‘opens us up to fresh options, directions and possibilities in our physical reality that need a change.’
This card is of the Sun in Capricorn. Today the Sun hides the Moon from us and we take this ‘dark’ time to plant the seeds that we wish to see grow. Friday we had the wish card and yesterday the new beginnings with the fool so we are being well catered for in this beginning of 2022 with the right kind of energy for new starts. However, this card reminds us of holding onto old hurts, anxiety or disappointments. Onto what could be termed as ‘clinging’ energy where we place our focus in the wrong direction. Let us love ourselves enough not to fall into that needful way of living life, let go of fear and embrace the power of self today. There may be an uncertain future ahead of us but we can go a long way to helping ourselves be in the moment rather than worrying over things that may never happen. Let us find a safety of being in knowing ourselves and a stability in understanding why we do the things we do. The things that do not serve us need let go off so we can be the best that we can be for ourselves. When we are in a good place then that is the energy we draw towards us.
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